
The aim of this book and the books that are to follow, is to give a new revolutionary understanding as to how the weather works over the entire surface of the Earth. This revolutionary understanding can be applied equally to all the planets of this solar system and all other planets throughout the Universe that have an atmosphere.

You will find the theoretical explanations to be a revolution in their applications to weather maps. You will also find that these same theoretical explanations are "old hat", and are being used and have been used for centuries in many fields of scientific endeavor.

This book stands on two legs. The first leg is the empirical evidence as shown by the series of weather maps in the later chapters. The empirical evidence shown by these charts is sufficient to stand alone in a book without any theoretical explanation. Yet, inevitably, the questions would come pouring in: Why? How did you draw these charts? How did you find the patterns? The second leg is the theoretical explanation as to what is happening. These explanations are a revelation in the understanding of weather and are sufficient to stand alone, likewise, in a book without any empirical evidence to back them up. Nevertheless, questions would also come pouring in as to "Where are some examples that show an application of these theories?"

The examples analyzing a weather map are all mine and they have never been seen or described heretofore. The theoretical explanation of the complex maneuvers that the air makes over the Earth or a hemisphere could hardly be my discovery alone. The explanation is basically a combination of material drawn together from numerous other published sources, and a summary of the experiences in many fields. I owe a debt to all these unnamed contributors, since the theory behind this material is based upon their works.


I define Singer 's Lock as the summation of all the procedures used to make a forecast of any high, low, or other feature on a weather map. The forecast period is for 24 hours exactly. The same procedures could be used on this 24 hour forecast to extend the forecast period to 48 hours, exactly, and so on, to 72 hours, etc. The word lock is used because every high and low "locks" into an exact position with "bull's eye" accuracy for a forecast covering a period of 24 hours. The error in the forecast is theoretically zero. In practice there is an error due to surveying or locating the exact centers of the highs and lows. Any errors in locating the positions of the centers will inevitably be transferred into an error in the forecast. These procedures apply to all levels of the atmosphere, from the surface of the Earth, to the point where weather is not significant.

It obviously is a gigantic task to assemble and analyze all the data to make this type of forecast for the entire world, or as a minimum for a hemisphere of the Earth. It is likewise a gigantic task to even explain and prove out this procedure, especially since it represents a clean break with the present forecasting procedures used in every country in the world. To solve this dilemma, I decided to make an analysis of a single weather map at a fixed moment in time. I had solved the dynamical principles of the movement of all highs and lows with the use of Singer's Lock. Some of these dynamical principles should be evident on the surface map at any given moment in time. There is an advantage in beginning the explanation of Singer's Lock with a single map at a fixed time. We do not have the necessity of comparing a given low center for one day with its new position on the next day. There could be some confusion as to the exact center on both days, since the low in the new position 24 hours later will have changed in many ways. By sticking with a single day at a fixed time, we have the situation where nothing moves, which makes it easier to prove certain conclusions.

In summation, the intent of this book is to establish some of the great natural laws of the Universe that can be used on a surface weather map at any given moment in time, especially since that moment in time is frozen on the map. It will be easier to prove the dynamics of movement of weather systems, once the principles have been grasped on a weather map fixed in time.


In succeeding books I will go into the totally new empirical and theoretical proofs for the movement of all highs and lows, the exact forces that control the movements of hurricanes, the new mathematical descriptions dealing with frontal systems, the changes of shape or curvature of all features on a weather map, and some heretofore unknown causes of deepening or intensification and filling or weakening of highs and lows. This sounds like a big order to fill, but you will find that one step at a time will whittle it down to something that can be digested rather easily.

All of the preceding is not intended to give the impression that everything that is known about the weather today, prior to this book, is faulty. All of descriptive meteorology that describes all types of weather phenomena, the shapes of individual storms, etc., still holds. The forecasting rules, Rossby waves, the numerical computer procedures, etc., have an element of truth in them, but they see the truth only vaguely, since the rules are not exact physical laws that calculate exactly what is happening, as is evident from the faulty forecasts that we may get from time to time. Likewise, the statistics of meteorology are still true except that statistics and probability are usually used where the causes are not known.

There are three general ways that information is handled by the human mind: by the words of language, by the letters and symbols of mathematics, and by pictures or diagrams. The advantage of a chart or picture is that the information it gives is easy to follow or check, it is simpler than words, it clarifies difficulties, it helps the mind make a permanent record for remembering and for further analysis. Because of this power of a chart, you can jump immediately to Chapters 12 and 13 where the charts are located and you will find them interesting and understandable. Nevertheless, you will need the words (and Figures) of the first part of the book to get a better appreciation of what the charts and pictures mean. In addition, you will find the simple mathematical statement establishing the main rules for constructing the charts, as given in Chapter 9, to be satisfying and refreshing. The mathematical formulas of course state in a concise and compact manner the generalization made by the words. You will find that everything in this book is aimed at explaining the number, order, and position of weather patterns. I have done this in accordance with the instructions of the ancient Pythagoreans who first said that all material things can


be described by number (a numeral by which a thing is designated when it is part of a series), order (the shape, form, or arrangement of things), and lastly, position (the way in which a thing is placed relative to other things). The understanding of number, order, and position exposes symmetry patterns. Symmetry patterns, of course, permeate every physical phenomenon in the Universe.

This book is written at a level that hopefully can be understood by the average person, with perhaps a high school education. Some of the hard mathematical formulas that creep in at various points, as in the chapter on the polar stereographic map, are not necessary for an understanding of the charts at the end of the book. Whatever mathematics does occur is not beyond the reach of a first or second year college level. Do not let this relatively elementary and simple approach to the explanation of Singer's Lock fool you. What you will be reading in this book is the leading or cutting edge of weather research. This book is also written for every meteorologist in the world, for no meteorologist has ever seen anything like it. That this is true can be seen from a few isolated excerpts from the history of my attempts to get something published:

1. From an unpublished paper by Dr. J. E. Pournelle, Science Writer, dated 18 April 1976.

2. Letter from Dr. Chester Newton, Editor of the Monthly Weather Review, of the American Meteorological Society, dated 27 September 1976.

The following are excerpts from the reviewers referred to above:

Referee C, 27 September 1976.

Referee B. 27 September 1976.

3. Letter from Dr. Daniel Lufkin, Deputy Director, Office of Meteorological and Hydrological Services, 6 October 1977. I had requested help from Richard A. Frank, Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)--Dr. Lufkin spoke

Dr. Lufkin, 6 December 1977

Dr. Lufkin, again, 27 January 1978.

So if you are just beginning to study weather, you will find yourself on a relatively equal footing with top professional meteorologists with regard to what you see in the charts in this book. I have been asked many times, "What is the formula for Singer's Lock?" When you read what follows, you will see the complex of formulas and principles needed to establish the beginning steps. To go deeper into Singer's Lock requires additional principles and complexes of formulas. It would be ludicrous to expect that one simple formula could describe the huge number of activities, changing from moment to moment, throughout the Earth's atmosphere. Fortunately, I have an immense amount of empirical and theoretical proofs for my


breakthrough in weather. I did expose some useful pieces of information to some of the leading research meteorologists in the National Weather Service, but it only represented a drop in the bucket.

I made my initial breakthrough in 1966. I have since then analyzed over 25 years (September through March) of Historical Weather Maps in assembling the thousands of little steps leading to what you see in this book, and what lies ahead. All the work over the years was done at my own expense and entertainment. The actual preparation of this book took me over 2 1/2 years, with the faithful assistance of Daniel Bender in the many chores that it takes to assemble a book of this nature. This was done, all at my own expense in time and money, and the same can be said of Daniel's efforts. I mention this for those who wonder as to why I stopped where I did. This whole book can only be considered as an opener, or down payment, if you please, in cold cash, that what I have is of a value that can not be ignored.

It is an interesting sidelight, that Dr. George Fischbeck, the local TV weatherman (Eyewitness News, Ch. 7. KABC Los Angeles) mentioned to me in 1976 that the best way to establish something new is to first prove its value to some trustworthy individual--it turned out that Daniel Bender met these specifications.

This book is a breakthrough to a golden era for all those who are now in the weather profession and all those who hope to enter the profession and its related fields. The discovery of the transistor led to an explosion in electronic discovery, and those individuals experienced in vacuum tube technology may have feared for their jobs. True, vacuum tubes do not hold the primacy today that they did prior to the transistor era, but the field of electronics is greater- than ever, and the former vacuum tube experts have more work than before--the same will be true for meteorologists.

Copyright ©1996 by Singer Press