Chart 49A overall view

This one is magnificent in its sweep and scope, starting with an LCD of 10 ru established by #53. We find a series of steps in a narrow band: #43 (20.2 ru), #39(30.1 ru), #34(40.2 ru), and lastly #30(50.2 ru). This is neat. The clincher is #6 (40 ru) in central India, counterbalanced by #91 (39.9 ru) in northern Kentucky-with an angular sweep of 27.8 cu and 27.5 cu respectively from the ray to #30 in Algeria.
Chart 49A expanded view


Chart 49B overall view

This chart is the same as the previous one, plus the addition of a few more points and lines. To have entered all the information on one chart would have made too much of a clutter to be digested. The additional points of interest are: the distance between #39 and #91, which is 30.9 ru; the distance between #6 and #14 is 19.8 ru; and #43 at 20.2 ru almost doubles to 39.9 ru at #14, and then triples to 60.3 ru at #9. Chart 49B expanded view


Chart 49C overall view

In this chart, the distance to every point is divisible by a factor of 6 ru. The distance between #26 and #63 is 42.3 ru, so the triangle formed by #49, #26, and #63 has sides in the ratio of 3:7:8. Chart 49C  expanded view


Chart 49D overall view

The LCD of 17.1 ru (#76) is tripled exactly at #100 with 51.3 ru. Next, we have an intriguing angle of 17.1 cu between #100 and #60 at 34.2 ru (2x17.1 ru). Lastly, we have a 34.1 ru for #37. Chart  49D expanded view


Chart 49E overall view

This map is a quiet sparkler. The LCD is 13.1 ru (which equals 2 times 6.55). The LCD is doubled to 26.1 ru at #71, and is quadrupled to 52.6 ru at #90. This indicates that the seemingly innocuous points of #54 and #71, are significantly placed in a nearly straight line direction towards #90. In addition, the distance between #54 and #42 is 20 ru (3x6.55 = 19.65). Chart 49E expanded view


Chart 49F overall view

In this chart, we see a ring of points that average out to about 9 ru from #49, with two additional points: #26 (17.9ru) and #93 (36ru). We have 24cu (3x8) between #46 and #53. This highlights the intense struggle that all the points are making continuously to equalize both their radial and circumferential relationships with all their neighbors. This equalization would occur temporarily (after which all points would disappear) if all new injections or removals of energy from the atmosphere were stopped over the entire Earth. Chart 49F expanded view


overall view

In this one, the LCD seems to be 10.9 ru even though we have #78 at t 10.7 ru. The angle between #82 and #58 is 23.7 cu, which invites comparison with the great circle distance of 24.2 ru between these same two points. Chart 40G expanded view


Chart 49H overall view

In this chart we have a "K" pattern with an LCD of 13.8 ru (#22). Chart 49H expanded view


Chart 55A overall view

First we have #77 (16.8 ru) in a nearly straight line with #32 (33.4 ru). This pair looks good together, but they don't really belong in this pattern directly (they have been added since they are close to the value of the others).

#27 (16.4 ru) is balanced by #74 (16.2 ru), while #45 at 8.1 ru almost doubles to 16 ru at #42. These three pairs are the highlights, while the rest of the points are all divisible by an LCD of 8 to 8.2 ru.

One other feature that should not be overlooked is the existence of two fairly definite rings: the first at approximately 17 ru includes #27, #42, #39, #74, and #77; the second ring at double the distance of approximately 32 ru, includes #32, #61, #63, #99, and #96. Chart 55A expanded view


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