Chart 40C overall view

The striking feature of this chart is #56 at 9.9 ru with #77 at exactly 3 times the distance at 29.7 ru. #9 at 39.4 ru (4 x 9.9 = 39.6) is nearly in a straight line with #56. #5 would seem to be unrelated to #77, but the distance between the two points is 44.5 ru (3 X 14.8 = 44.4). 2 times 14.8 ru equals 29.6 ru--so the triangle created by #5, #40 and #77 have sides in the extremely accurate ratio of 2:2:3. #84 at 29.7 ru is out there by itself apparently opposing #5. #84, #77, and #5 are part of a vortex wavefront at a distance of 29.7 ru. Chart 40C expanded view


Chart 40D overall view

This is a hot one! The three points forming the triangle, #40, #58, and #65, are well defined and relatively close to each other. #58 at 11.3 ru and #65 at 22.7 ru have a distance between them of 22.6 ru, which seems too good to be; true. The sides of the triangle form an almost perfect ratio of 2:2:1. To put a cap on this chart, we find that #78 is at an angular separation of 20 cu (compared to 40 cu between the other two points) and is located at a distance of 33.5 ru (3 x 11.3 = 33.9). Chart 40D expanded view


Chart 40E overall view

The interesting feature of this chart is the"Y" formation of three points at a distance of 30.9, 31, and 31.1 ru, plus . the position of #103, which is an additional 15.5 ru from #93. Chart 40E expanded view


Chart 40F overall view

The visual symmetry of this one is pleasant. The LCD, #39 (6.1ru), is matched very closely in a 1:4 ratio with #30, #87, and #50. #63 (25.1 ru) and #76 (25.8 ru) are not far off. Chart 40F expanded view


Chart 40G overall view

The startling feature of this chart is #28 (8.6 ru) lying in a straight line with #76 at 25.8 ru (3 x 8.6). At twice the distance of 8.6 ru, we find #53, #54, and #69. The distance from #69 to #76 is 17.2 ru, and the distance from #76 to #49 is, likewise, a surprising 17.1 ru. This wraps up two, close in, isoceles triangles, all hinged on #40, and also having the distances of their sides that can be measured in terms of the LCD of 8.6 ru of #28. The other three points, #89, #90, and #97, have distances that are also divisible by 8.6 ru. Chart 40G expanded view


Chart 42A overall view

One unusual feature of this chart is #45 (8 ru), #55 (16 ru, and #52 (23.9 ru). These distances are in a spacing of 1:2:3 radiating outwards in the same general direction from #42. Another unusual feature is #29 at 12.1 ru doubling to 24.2 ru exactly for #51 on the other side of #42. All the remaining points have the distances divisible by an LCD of 4 or 8 ru as the individual case may warrant. Chart 42A expanded view


Chart 42B overall view

The unusual feature of this chart is #43 (6 ru) opposite #28 (6 ru), followed closely by #29 (12.1 ru), #46 (18.4 ru), and #51 (24.2 ru). Here we see six separate points in a near straight line with each spaced out in a distance that is divisible by the LCD of 6 ru. We also have #36 at 12 ru and #67 at 24.2 ru. All the remaining points are in a scattered pattern. The two obscure and questionable #10 and #95 are entered just for the sake of completeness. Chart 42B expanded view


Chart 42C overall view

The outstanding feature of this chart is #69 at 21.9 ru (3x7.3) doubling to 43.6 ru (6 x 7.3 = 43.8) at #99. We find #26 at 14.6 ru (2 x 7.3) counterbalanced by #89 at 29.4ru (2x14.6=29.2), while#76 is 29.1 ru (2x14.6=29.2), and #79 is 43.7 ru (4x14.6=43.4). The rotten point of #23 is entered for kicks at 21.9 ru (3x7.3). Chart 42C expanded view


Chart 42D overall view

#20 (27.9 ru) is opposite #63 (27.7 ru), while #46 (18.4 ru) is opposite #9 (36.6 ru). The LCD of 9.2 ru for #16 is tripled to 27.6 ru exactly for #6, quintupled exactly for #100 (46 ru) while #92 at 36.4 is approximately quadrupled. Chart 42D expanded view


Chart 42E overall view

Here we have a triangle formed by #42, #60, and #72, with the length of the sides of the triangle equal to 16.7, 16.3, and 24.8 ru, which is close to a ratio of 1:2:3 if you divide by 8.2 ru. The distance of 32.5 ru from #60 to #50 is cut in half in a symmetrical pattern by the 16.3 ru from #60 to #72, and the 16.7 ru from #60 to #42. The distance of 23.3 ru from #50 to #72 is entered as a matter of interest. Chart 42E expanded view


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