Chart #76

In this chart we find two different symmetry patterns. Starting with #96 and moving in an easterly direction, we find that the angular spacing varies in a systematic manner by going from 3 cu to 6 cu to 9 cu to 12 cu, after which it decreases to 11 cu and 10 cu and then another 11 cu (if you add 7 cu and 4 cu together). The rest of the cycle ends in a symmetrical factor of 4 cu. Points #11 and #3 were drawn in as a matter of curiosity, to show that there is no feature of any kind on the map that is not involved in some symmetry pattern.

The unusual feature of this map is the regular increase by a factor of 3 cu from #96 to #90. This type of uniform increase in spacing is the classical parabolic or step rate of increase in which a quantity varies in a simple additive manner. The cluster or "packet" of vortexes were apparently moving as a group that ran into a braking action. This pattern is just a glimpse into one of the vast arrays of combinations being generated by all the centers of action on the weather map at that moment.


Chart 76 overall view Chart 76 expanded view


Chart 34 overall view

In this chart all the rays end pretty close to centers of the chosen points. The common symmetrical factor for angular measurement is of course 8 cu. We also find that the one 6 cu and the one 10 cu add up to 16 cu; while the one 28 cu and the one 4 cu add up to 32 cu to balance out the symmetry around the nuclear #34. Chart 34 expanded view


Chart66 overall view

The rays hit all the center points quite accurately. The common symmetrical denominator in this one is 13 cu, with one 10 cu left over to complete the 192 cu. 65 cu is 5 times 13 cu. #13 was inserted, since it fit just nicely as one of the 13 cu segments. Chart 66 expanded view


Chart 88 overall view

The rays hit all the center points quite accurately, except for #47 and #96, which are slightly off. The common symmetry factors in this chart are the angular numbers of 9 and 10. Chart 88 expanded view


Chart 86 overall view

In this chart, the rays hit all the center points quite accurately, except for #83 and #100, which are slightly off. The symmetry of this pattern comes from the common 8 cu. There is one 12 cu opposite the one 24 cu. The 28 cu adds to the 12 cu right next to it for a sum of 40 cu,which is 5 times 8 cu. Chart86 expanded view


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